The Colloidal Cleaning Chemistry of Micelles
Robert Kabel |

PURTEQ believes cleaning should never be harmful. Our formulas were developed to provide a safer alternative to commonly used cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals like bleach, alcohol and quats. In this paper we will learn the science behind KLENZ Multi-Purpose Cleaner. The active cleaning agent in KLENZ is a...
Added Fragrance, VOCs & What Clean Really Smells Like
Robert Kabel |

There is no such thing as a clean smell. What most people refer to as a ‘clean smell’ is actually the smell of whatever chemical was just used to clean. Nothing like the wafting aromas of bleach and Lysol to let everyone know the cleaning crew just finished up. Or...
The Difference Between Probiotic and Enzymatic Cleaning Solutions
Robert Kabel |

PURTEQ believes cleaning should never be harmful. Our formulas were developed to provide a safer alternative to commonly used cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals like bleach, alcohol and quats. As we worked to formulate specific cleaners, we chose the ingredients that were safest and most effective. Some of...